Myth Busting—Cheerleaders Are Not Airheads

There are certain stereotypes that continually follow cheerleaders around. No one knows where it got started, and no one understands why cheerleaders are always characterized as being airheads. The truth is that in order for someone to become a school cheerleader in the first place, they must hold a certain grade point average. This alone…

The Case Against Cheerleading

Some cheerleading support groups apparently presume that the squad should be classified as athletes. Now, every reasonable person has to agree that there is absolutely nothing sport-like about smiling, waving, batting eyelashes and flirting with the visiting team. I mean do we really have to resort to the simple power of logic and basic argumentation?…

Dance Shows: Small Screen, Big Entertainment

Dance shows have been entertaining people for decades. Four shows stand out in this year’s presentations of the excitement and glamour of dancing. Dancing with the Stars features celebrities selected for this competition elimination. Music and style changes, adding pressure on each celebrity and the professional ballroom dancers that they are matched with. 2013 marks its…