Whether you are enrolled in a day-long summer dancing program or are heading to an actual, residential dancing camp, you should plan ahead and pay close attention to the provided packing lists.
Good shoes: check. Extra athletic gear: check. Durable water bottle: check. Sunscreen: check. Have you forgotten anything? Hopefully, along with the necessary material provisions, you will remember to bring along an every-bit-as-important set of mental attitudes. Without them, your summer intensive may turn into a total waste of time and money.
Therefore, be sure to pack the following items:
Sparkle of fun with a solid foundation of concentration
Enjoy yourself and others, but make sure you don’t lose sight of why you enrolled in the program in the first place—to work hard and learn much.
A good supply of ultra body care
Do not underestimate the “intensive” in the intensive dance program. Your body will work extra hard, and you will need to provide it with extra attention. Bring along the resolve to eat well, sleep well, stretch well, and drink well—plain water that is.
Enough guts to face the challenge
The challenge of a dancing camp will mandate that you are physically tough, have good stamina, keep positive spirits and learn from your mistakes. However, adjusting to new teaching approaches, techniques or unusual stretching and exercising routines can be just as demanding.
A thick notebook and lots of pens
Your summer camp instructors will be spouting tons of information and feedback, day in and day out. So, unless you are the Red Sox catcher, plan on utilizing free time between routines and after practice, to jot down all the details you can remember.